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Physiotherapy in your home

outdoor mobility with physiotherapist

Following an introductory telephone consultation (no charge) I will arrange an initial assessment at a time that is convenient to you.  I will start with a thorough subjective assessment to determine what your main concerns are and then conduct a physical assessment of your mobility and function.  This will enable us to establish what your goals are.   We can then set a realistic treatment plan in order to achieve those goals.


Subsequent follow up sessions would focus on reviewing and progressing your treatment in line with your goals in order to optimise your independence. Follow up sessions are  45 mins. 


The number and frequency of sessions required would be dependent on your individual circumstances i.e. whether you are recovering from hip or knee surgery or whether you have a lung condition such as COPD and would benefit from a one off session focusing on airway clearance techniques and managing your breathlessness.  

Exercise at home physio
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